
1 year ago

Imran Khan Opens Up About Reshaping His Relationship With His Films

Imran Khan (symbolic picture)
Imran Khan (symbolic picture)


IIE Digital Desk : Imran Khan, the former Pakistani Prime Minister and actor, has opened up about his relationship with his films. In a recent interview, Khan said that he is "reshaping" his relationship with his films and that he is "not blaming anyone" for the negative reviews that his films have received. Khan said that he used to pay too much attention to the negative voices about his films, which hurt him. However, he has now learned to ignore the haters and focus on making films that he is passionate about.

Khan said that he is currently working on a new film that he is very excited about. He said that the film is a "personal" project for him and that he is "putting his heart and soul into it." Khan is a popular actor in Pakistan and has starred in several successful films. However, his films have also received their fair share of negative reviews. In recent years, Khan has taken a break from acting to focus on his political career. However, he has said that he is planning to return to films in the near future.

Khan's comments about his relationship with his films are a refreshing change of pace. Many actors are quick to blame the critics when their films are not successful. However, Khan is taking responsibility for his films and is determined to make films that he is proud of. It will be interesting to see what Khan's new film is like. If it is as personal and passionate as he says it is, then it could be a major success.

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