Gopalnagar police arrested one person with 5300 bottles of banned cough syrup. The accused's name is Paritosh De. The estimated market value of recovered cough syrup is Tk 12 lakh. Police suspect that the trafficker is linked to an international smuggling ring.
Smugglers smuggle cuff syrup from India to Bangladesh using the North 24 Parganas border. On May 9, the police of Gopalnagar police station conducted an operation after receiving information from secret sources. Paritosh was arrested from the border area of Gopalnagar. 300 bottles of banned cough syrup were recovered from him. By interrogating him, the police came to know about the cache of cough syrup. Five thousand bottles of banned cough syrup were recovered from Sabekpur Chongrada Bill of Bairampur Panchayat in Gopalnagar on Friday afternoon. Police claimed that Paritosh hid them in the bill for smuggling.
Additional Superintendent of Bangaon Police District Sajalkanti Biswas told reporters on Saturday that a police team led by the OC of Gopalnagar police station recovered five thousand bottles of cough syrup. Earlier, 300 bottles were recovered. It is being investigated whether the arrested Paritosh is involved in the international smuggling ring or not.