
1 year ago

BJP Youth Morcha Rally in Kolkata Turns Violent, Shoes Hurled at JU

BJP Youth Morcha Rally (symbolic picture)
BJP Youth Morcha Rally (symbolic picture)


Kolkata (August 26,2023) : A rally organized by the BJP Youth Morcha in Kolkata on Friday turned violent, with shoes being hurled at the Jadavpur University campus. The rally was called to protest the death of a student of the university, who was found hanging in his hostel room on Wednesday. The BJP has alleged that the student was murdered, while the police have said that it was a case of suicide.

The rally started from the BJP headquarters in Kolkata and was headed towards the Jadavpur University campus. However, the rally was stopped by the police near the university gates.A scuffle broke out between the police and the rally participants, and some of the rally participants started hurling shoes at the university campus. The police had to resort to lathi-charge to disperse the rally participants. The incident has sparked tension in Kolkata, and the police have stepped up security in the city.

The BJP has condemned the police action, and has demanded the arrest of the police officers who were involved in the lathi-charge. The Trinamool Congress has accused the BJP of trying to create a law and order situation in the state. The incident is a reminder of the political tensions that exist in West Bengal. It is important for the political parties to work together to maintain peace and harmony in the state.

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