
7 months ago

Supreme Court Temporarily Halts Survey at Shahi Idgah Mosque in Mathura

From left, Mathura's Shahi Idgah Mosque and Sri Krishna Temple
From left, Mathura's Shahi Idgah Mosque and Sri Krishna Temple


IIE Digital Desk: The Supreme Court of India has issued an order prohibiting any survey activities at the Shahi Idgah Mosque in Mathura, at least for the time being. The directive comes amidst a contentious legal battle surrounding the historic site.

The apex court's decision was announced following a petition seeking a survey to ascertain the historical facts related to the Shahi Idgah Mosque, a structure situated adjacent to the Krishna Janmabhoomi in Mathura. The petitioner contended that the mosque was allegedly built over a pre-existing Hindu temple, and sought a comprehensive survey to establish the historical authenticity of the claim.

However, the Supreme Court, in its interim order, has put a halt to any survey proceedings until further notice. The court reasoned that any such survey could potentially disturb the peace and tranquility in the area and may have far-reaching consequences. The decision aims to maintain the status quo and prevent any escalation of tensions while the legal proceedings unfold.

The Shahi Idgah Mosque has been a subject of historical and religious debate, with conflicting claims about its origin and the presence of a pre-existing Hindu temple at the site. The court's cautious approach reflects its commitment to ensuring a fair and impartial examination of the matter without causing any undue disruption.

The legal proceedings surrounding the Shahi Idgah Mosque in Mathura continue to capture national attention as the Supreme Court navigates through the complexities of history, religion, and legal interpretations. The temporary suspension of survey activities underscores the court's commitment to handling the matter with sensitivity and maintaining communal harmony in the region. Further developments in this case are awaited as it unfolds in the judicial corridors of the country.

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