
1 year ago

NICED to use new device to speed up HIV testing

HIV testing device (symbolic picture)
HIV testing device (symbolic picture)


Kolkata (July 25,2023) : The National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases (NICED) in Kolkata has decided to use the Cobas 8080 device for HIV testing. The device is a fully automated molecular point-of-care (POC) test that can provide results in just 30 minutes. The Cobas 8080 device is a significant upgrade from the current HIV testing methods used in India. The current methods can take up to 2 weeks to provide results, and they are not as accurate as the Cobas 8080 device.

The use of the Cobas 8080 device will help NICED to increase the number of HIV tests it conducts each year. It will also help to improve the accuracy of HIV testing in India. Dr. Sujit Kumar Saha, Director of NICED, said that the use of the Cobas 8080 device is a "major step forward" in the fight against HIV/AIDS in India. He said that the device will help NICED to provide more timely and accurate HIV testing services to people in need.

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