Kolkata (August 16,2023) : Kolkata's Independence Day celebrations continue to be marred by lawlessness, casting a shadow over the city's security despite a surge in police presence. Despite the commendable efforts of law enforcement, the city's streets were marred by unruly behavior, rendering the attempts of the increased police contingent less effective than desired. Instances of unruliness and non-compliance with laws were evident, dampening the spirit of the day.
While authorities have bolstered their presence to ensure a peaceful celebration, the recurring disregard for rules raises concerns over the effectiveness of the strategy. It's evident that mere numbers aren't enough; a concerted effort to promote civic responsibility and awareness about the significance of adhering to regulations is imperative. Kolkata's citizens and administration alike now face the challenge of striking a balance between festivity and order, striving for a future Independence Day where compliance and celebration can harmoniously coexist.