West Bengal

1 year ago

BJP MP Saumitra Khan Seeks Protection from Arrest in Calcutta High Court

BJP MP Saumitra Khan (sykmbolic picture)
BJP MP Saumitra Khan (sykmbolic picture)


West Bengal (June 28,2023) : BJP MP Saumitra Khan has filed a petition in the Calcutta High Court seeking protection from arrest in connection with a number of cases filed against him. Khan has alleged that he is being targeted by the West Bengal government for his political activities. Khan is facing a number of cases, including charges of inciting violence, obstructing government officials, and criminal intimidation. He has been arrested in the past in connection with these cases, but has been released on bail.

In his petition, Khan has alleged that the West Bengal government is using the police to target him and his supporters. He has said that he is being threatened and intimidated, and that he fears for his safety. Khan has asked the Calcutta High Court to order the West Bengal government to stop targeting him and his supporters. He has also asked the court to order the police to ensure his safety.

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