
1 year ago

BJP MLA Bishnu Pada Ray passes away at 60

BJP MLA Bishnu Pada Ray  (symbolic picture)
BJP MLA Bishnu Pada Ray (symbolic picture)


Kolkata (July 24,2023) : Bishnu Pada Ray, the BJP MLA from Dhupguri, passed away on Tuesday morning at the SSKM Hospital in Kolkata. He was 60 years old. Ray was admitted to the hospital on Sunday after he complained of chest pain. He was diagnosed with a heart ailment and was put on ventilator support. However, he could not be revived.

Ray was a first-time MLA, having won the 2021 assembly elections from Dhupguri. He defeated the Trinamool Congress candidate, Mitali Ray. His death has sent shockwaves across the political circles of West Bengal. The BJP has announced a three-day mourning period in his memory.

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