West Bengal

1 year ago

Harvard Professor and Former MP Sugata Bose Wants University Authorities to Be More Strict on Ragging

MP Sugata Bose (symbolic picture)
MP Sugata Bose (symbolic picture)


Purulia (August 25,2023) : History professor at Harvard University and former MP Sugata Bose has called on university authorities to be more strict in dealing with ragging. Bose, who is also the chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission, said that ragging is a serious problem that can have a lasting impact on the victims. He said that university authorities need to take strong action against those who engage in ragging, including expulsion from the university.

Bose's comments come in the wake of a recent incident of ragging at Jadavpur University, where a first-year student was allegedly beaten up by seniors. The student was later hospitalized with serious injuries. Bose said that ragging is a form of bullying and that it should not be tolerated. He said that university authorities need to create a culture where ragging is not tolerated and where victims feel safe to report incidents of ragging.

Bose also called on parents to play a role in preventing ragging. He said that parents need to talk to their children about the dangers of ragging and that they need to discourage them from participating in ragging. Ragging is a serious problem that has been around for many years. It is important for university authorities, parents, and students to work together to prevent ragging and to create a safe and supportive environment for all students.

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