West Bengal

1 year ago

BJP's Suvendu Adhikari Calls for Mass Mobilization to Kalighat

BJP's Suvendu Adhikari (symbolic picture)
BJP's Suvendu Adhikari (symbolic picture)


West Bengal (July 08,2023) : West Bengal BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari on Saturday called for a mass mobilization to Kalighat, the seat of the presiding deity of Kolkata, to protest against the alleged violence and rigging in the panchayat elections.

Adhikari, who is the Leader of the Opposition in the state assembly, said that the people of West Bengal have been "robbed" of their democratic rights by the ruling Trinamool Congress. He urged the people to come out in large numbers to Kalighat on Sunday to express their anger against the TMC. "We will not tolerate this injustice. We will not allow the TMC to continue to rule over us with an iron fist," Adhikari said. "We will fight for our rights and we will win."

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