West Bengal

1 year ago

BJP walks out of Assembly, protests violence in West Bengal

BJP  protests violence (symbolic picture)
BJP protests violence (symbolic picture)


West Bengal (July 25,2023) : The first day of the West Bengal Assembly's monsoon session was largely unproductive, as the opposition BJP staged a walkout in protest against the recent spate of violence in the state. The session began with a customary condolence motion for the death of former MLAs. However, soon after, the BJP members started raising slogans against the state government, demanding that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee resign.

The Speaker, Biman Banerjee, tried to restore order, but the BJP members continued to shout slogans. Eventually, the Speaker ordered an adjournment of the House for the day. The BJP's walkout came after a series of incidents of violence in the state, including the murder of a BJP worker in North Dinajpur district on Saturday. The party has accused the Trinamool Congress government of being responsible for the violence. The state government has denied the allegations, and has said that it is committed to maintaining law and order.

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