
1 year ago

White House Condemns Harassment of US Journalist Sabrina Siddiqui

Sabrina Siddiqui (symbolic picture)
Sabrina Siddiqui (symbolic picture)


IIE Digital Desk : The White House on Monday condemned the harassment of Sabrina Siddiqui, a Wall Street Journal reporter who was targeted by Indian social media users after she asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi a question about religious freedom.

Siddiqui, who is Muslim, was subjected to a barrage of online abuse, including death threats, after she asked Modi about his government's treatment of Muslims. The White House said that the harassment was "deeply troubling" and that it "stands in stark contrast to the values of a free and open society." The White House's condemnation came after a number of other organizations, including the Committee to Protect Journalists and the International Press Institute, had also spoken out against the harassment of Siddiqui.

The incident is a reminder of the challenges that journalists face in India, where there has been a recent decline in press freedom. In 2022, India ranked 150 out of 180 countries in the World Press Freedom Index. The White House's condemnation is a welcome sign that the Biden administration is taking the issue of press freedom in India seriously. However, more needs to be done to protect journalists from harassment and intimidation.

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