
2 months ago

International Tiger Day 2024: Theme, History, and Significance

International Tigers Day (symbolic picture)
International Tigers Day (symbolic picture)


IIE Digital Desk: July 29th, celebrated International Tiger Day, and is a global event to created and raising awareness about tiger conservation. The aim is to highlight the days and critical the issue were facing tigers and to promote efforts the projected these proud creature and their natural habitats.

History for 2024

2010 International Tigers Day were first established in the Saint Peetersburg Tiger Summit, where the leaders from 13 tigers were ranging countries and caming together to adressed the decline in wild tiger populations and the summit been resulted in the Global Tiger Recovery Program, which is set to a goal and double the number of wild tigers by 2022. Since then, International Tiger Day have served as a platform to the promoter for stronger conservation efforts and to celebrate the progress made in protecting these iconic big cats.

Theme and Significance for 2024

The significant of International Tiger's Day lied in its ability to draw a global attention and numbers were been reduced to habitat loss, plundering, and human wildlife. The aim is to observed the day and to developed a continued to efforts for the wildlife protection. The goal is achieved to the collective efforts for the expansion to protect areas and support the habitat restoration and comminuty involvement, or the people were been contributed and efforts to secured a futiure safe place for tigers in the wildlife.

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