Kolkata (August 23,2023) : West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has called an all-party meeting on Wednesday to decide the date for Paschim Banga Divas, the state's foundation day. The meeting will be held at the state secretariat in Kolkata. The current date of Paschim Banga Divas is May 20, which is the birthday of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. However, there have been demands from some quarters to change the date to May 17, which is the day when the first administrative meeting of the Government of United Bengal was held in 1947.
The United Bengal was a short-lived state that was formed after the partition of India in 1947. It was a union of the eastern and western parts of Bengal, but it was dissolved in 1950. Mamata Banerjee has said that she is open to changing the date of Paschim Banga Divas, but she wants to do it with the consensus of all the political parties in the state.
The all-party meeting is expected to be attended by representatives from all the major political parties in West Bengal, including the Trinamool Congress, the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Congress, and the Left Front. The meeting is likely to be a heated one, as there are strong arguments for and against changing the date of Paschim Banga Divas. However, it is important that the parties reach a consensus on this issue so that the state can celebrate its foundation day in a united manner.
In addition to the date of Paschim Banga Divas, the all-party meeting is also likely to discuss other issues related to the state's foundation day celebrations. These include the budget for the celebrations, the cultural programs that will be held, and the security arrangements that will be put in place. The all-party meeting is a significant step by Mamata Banerjee to ensure that all the political parties in the state are involved in the celebrations of Paschim Banga Divas. It is also a sign of her commitment to maintaining peace and harmony in the state.