
1 year ago

Lab tests confirm cocaine found at White House

White House (symbolic picture)
White House (symbolic picture)


Washington, USA (July 06,2023) : Lab tests have confirmed that a substance found at the White House on Sunday was cocaine, the Secret Service said on Wednesday. The discovery of the drug led to a brief evacuation of the West Wing, the part of the White House complex that houses the Oval Office and offices of the president and his staff.

The Secret Service is investigating how the cocaine got into the White House, and President Joe Biden has been briefed on the matter. Former President Donald Trump, who was at his residence in Florida at the time, has launched a Twitter rant about the incident, calling it a "disgrace" and demanding that the Secret Service be "cleaned up." The Secret Service has said that it is taking the matter "very seriously" and that it is working to "determine the full extent of the situation."

The discovery of cocaine at the White House is a serious security breach. It is unclear how the drug got into the building, but it raises questions about the Secret Service's ability to protect the president and his staff. The Secret Service is conducting an investigation, and it is important to let the process play out. However, the incident is a reminder that the White House is a target for criminals and other bad actors. The Secret Service has a long and storied history of protecting the president and his family. However, the agency has been under scrutiny in recent years for a series of security lapses.

The cocaine discovery is the latest in a series of embarrassing incidents for the Secret Service. In 2019, a Secret Service agent was arrested for driving under the influence while on duty. In 2020, two Secret Service officers were caught sleeping on duty during a presidential trip to Europe. The Secret Service needs to take steps to improve its security procedures and to ensure that the White House is protected from all threats. The cocaine discovery is a wake-up call, and the agency needs to act accordingly.

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